

Privacy Policy

Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information. In the event that the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be treated fairly and lawfully, subject at all times to the principles and rights contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, General Data Protection (RGPD) and other applicable regulations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 13 of the RGPD we inform you of the following:


ANDREU SÁNCHEZ TÀPIA (hereinafter, Classic & Vintage)

Av/Peris y valero nº 4 46006 (València)

Contact phone number: +34 651 935 175

What do we do with your data? data?

  • Section "New Customer"

The main purpose of this processing is the management of registered users on our website, as well as the sending of advertising related to the products and services marketed by Classic & Vintage or for the sending of advertising, discounts and promotions of products and services of other entities.

Classic & Vintage ensures the confidentiality of the data provided and guarantees that, under no circumstances, will they be transferred for any other use without prior and express consent of our users. We will only ask you for the data necessary to provide the required service and they will only be used for this purpose.

  • Section "Make Purchase"

The main purpose of this processing is to maintain the contractual relationship with our customers, facilitate the processing of orders, the performance of statistical studies, as well as the sending of advertising related to the products and services marketed by Classic & Vintage or for the sending of advertising, discounts and promotions of products and services of other entities.

  • Marketing Actions.

Classic & Vintage may use this data to inform about future promotions, offers and other commercial actions in cases where you are already a customer or if you are not, when you have given us your consent in the corresponding section.

  • Section "Contact Form of Classic & Vintage" Vintage"

We will collect data in order to manage the Classic & Vintage customer service center and contact the customer via email or telephone in order to be able to attend to your request.

  • Section "RMA Form"

The main purpose of this processing is the management of the RMA (Use of your product's warranty).

Your data may be communicated to the manufacturers in the event of damaged or defective products.

  • Information collected for web improvements

To improve our services and online shopping, we are analyzing the Classic & Vintage portal and the correct navigation of the user. This information will be confidential and will only be used to improve the security and operation of our online store and for statistical purposes.

Legal basis of the processing

For registration, purchase and warranty management, we will base the processing of the data on the execution of the purchase contract or within the framework of the pre-contractual relationship.

For the sending of commercial information, we will base the processing on your consent, although if you are already a customer we can send you information about similar products, always providing you with a simple and free means to unsubscribe.

The consent given here by the Owner for the communication of data to third parties is revocable at any time, without retroactive effect.


On the occasion of the purchase, your data may be communicated to the following recipients:

  • Banking entities for payment of purchases by bank transfer. card.

  • To the Consumer and User Office in the event of any claim.

  • To manufacturers, technical services and/or wholesalers in the case of guarantees or repairs. To those transport companies that may be in charge of sending the corresponding orders to customers. These recipients may be located within Spanish territory or outside of it, depending on the product and/or service purchased.

  • In the legally established cases, such as the case of the Security Forces and Corps.

  • To the public administrations to which we have to provide information in order to comply with our legal obligations.

Classic & Vintage ensures the confidentiality of the data provided and guarantees that, in no case,